“Human proteome” Core Facility has been organized within the Department of proteomic research of IBMC under the leadership of academician A.I.Archakov in 2003. Since that time, the Core Facility has grown into a leading facility in Russia, which significantly expanded in terms of its capabilities and diversity of equipment and techniques for fundamental biomedical researches, identification of diagnostic markers and protein candidates for therapeutic treatment. “Human proteome” Core Facility offers service to support your research needs for proteomics, metabolomics, interactomics, bioinformatics, nanobiotechnology. We also have an educational program and provide a support for our academic collaborators to design and perform proteomic experiments to obtain high quality data for scientific publications and grant proposals.
The primary focus and expertise of our Core Facility is proteomic researches, especially high-throughput protein analysis as well as protein quantitation. Our facilities and resources as well as highly qualified personnel in the field of medical proteomics allow Russia to take active part in international Human Proteome Project (HPP) along with USA, Canada, South Korea, China and some European nations.
Mass Spectrometers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instrument characteristics: 200 Hz all-solid-state Nd-YAG Smartbeam laser with written ‘one billion shots’ guarantee (current shot count: 674.809.996 shots) • Linear and reflectron MALDI-TOF with extended pulsed ion extraction (PIETM ) and ‘Panorama’ technology ( PANTM) • Collision-induced Dissociation (CID) and Laser-induced Dissociation (LID-LIFT technology) • In-source decay (ISD) and T3-sequencing capability • 2 x Turbo molecular vacuum pump at 300 L/s with each a primary pump at 8 m3/h • Proteineer fc liquid handler for post-column Maldi preparation of LC separated fractions (separately available) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
High Resolution Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Electrospray source: 1 µL/min – 1 mL/min Mass Range: 20 – 40000 m/z Mass Resolution: 40 000 @ 1222m/z Mass accuracy in MS and MS/MS: With internal calibrant: better than 800 ppb RMS Error With external calibrant: better than 2 ppm RMS Error Acquisition rate: up to 50 Hz in MS and MS/MS Full scan sensitivity in MS: Reserpine 1 pg S/N>100:1 RMS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trapped Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Electrospray source: 1 µL/min – 1 mL/min Mass Range: 20 – 40000 m/z TIMS resolution: 200 Mass Resolution:50 000 @ 1222m/z Mass accuracy in MS and MS/MS:With internal calibrant: better than 800 ppb RMS Error Temperature regulation and compensation features for enhanced mass stability Acquisition rate: up to 50 Hz in MS, MS/MS and TIMS modes Full scan sensitivity in MS: Reserpine 1 pg S/N>100:1 RMS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mass Range:50 to 6,000 m/z Scan Rate:Up to 40 Hz at resolution setting of 7,500 @ m/z 200 Mass Accuracy:Internal: <1 ppm RMS External: <3 ppm RMS Sensitivity:MS/MS: 100 fg reserpine on column S/N 150:1 SIM: 50 fg reserpine on column S/N 150:1 Dynamic Range:>5000:1 Polarity Switching:One full cycle in <1 sec (one full positive mode scan and one full negative mode scan at a resolution setting of 60,000) Multiplexity:Up to 10 precursors/scan Max Resolving Power:240,000 @ m/z 200 Max Scan Rate:Up to 40 Hz at resolution setting of 7,500 @ m/z 200 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resolving power: Up to 140,000 @ m/z 200 Mass range: 50 to 6,000 m/z Scan rate: Up to 12 Hz at resolution setting of 17,500 @ m/z 200 Mass accuracy: Internal: < 1 ppm RMS External: < 3 ppm RMS Sensitivity: Full MS: 500 fgBuspirone on column S/N 100:1 SIM: 50 fgBuspirone on column S/N 100:1 Dynamic range: > 5000:1 Polarity switching: One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan negative mode at resolution setting: of 35,000) Multiplexity: up to 10 precursors/scan Analog inputs: One (1) analog input (0 – 1 V) One (1) analog (0 – 10 V) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sensitivity MS mode: electrospray on-column, 400 µL/min fl ow rate: 1 pg LC/MS injection of reserpine signal-to-noise for the reserpine (M+H)+ at m/z 609.2807 while maintaining a resolution of 40,000 at m/z 2,722 in 4 GHZ mode Sensitivity, MS/MS mode: electrospray on-column, 400 µL/min fl ow rate: 1 pg LC/MS injection of reserpine signal-to-noise for most intense product ions (174, 195,397,448 m/z) while maintaining a resolution of 40,000 at m/z 2,722 in 4 GHZ mode Mass resolving power:Measured at m/z 322 after automatic tuning procedure (Greater than 25,000 at 322 m/z) Measured at m/z 2,722 after automatic tuning procedure (Greater than 42,000 FWHM at 2,722 m/z) Mass accuracy, MS mode: electrospray on-column, 400 µL/min: Measured at the (M+H)+ ion of reserpine (m/z 609.2807) using an internal mass reference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Linear Ion Trap and Orbitrap Mass Range:Standard – m/z 50–2,000; High Mass – m/z 200–4,000 Orbitrap Extended Mass Range:Up to m/z 6000 without precursor ion selection Resolution:15,000-450,000 (FWHM) at m/z 200 Scan Rate: Orbitrap MSn up to 20 Hz ;Ion trap MSn up to 20 Hz Mass Accuracy:< 3 ppm RMS using external calibration ;< 1 ppm RMS using internal calibration MS/MS Sensitivity of Ion Trap:2 μL of a 50 fg/μL solution of reserpine (100 fg total) injected at a flow of 500 μL/min will produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 100:1 for the transition of the isolated protonated molecular ions at m/z 609 to the largest two product ions, m/z 397 and m/z 448, when the mass spectrometer is operated at unit resolution in the full-scan MS/MS mode, m/z 165–615. The test requires the HESI probe. Dynamic Range: > 5,000 within a single scan, guaranteeing specified mass accuracy MS Scan Power:MSn, for n = 1 through 10 Thermo Scientific™ EASY-ETD™ Ion Source: • Generates fluoranthene anions for electron transfer dissociation (ETD) • Townsend discharge ionization is extremely stable and robust • Compact size, located entirely within the footprint of the instrument • Active reagent ion filtering using mass-resolving quadrupole Thermo Scientific™ EASY-IC™ Ion Source • Generates internal calibrant ions for real-time mass calibration on every spectrum • Provides <1 ppm RMS mass accuracy Synchronous Precursor Selection: Up to 15 precursors per MS2 scan, for MS3 analysis only Multiplexing Using Ion-Routing Multipole: Up to 10 precursors per scan using quadrupole mass filter Polarity Switching: One full cycle in 1.1 sec (one full scan in positive mode and one full scan in negative mode at resolution setting of 35,000) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mass Range: - 10 to 1850. Max SRM Number:- 30,000 SRMs. SRM/Sec: - 500 SRM/s. Ion Optics: - Active Ion Management (AIM). Ion Max: NG source. Electrodynamic ion funnel. Ion beam guide with neutral blocker. Quadrupole Design - 6mm HyperQuad quadrupoles with asymmetric RF drive. Mass accuracy: 0.1 Da from 5 – 1,000 m/z 0.2 Da from 1,000 - 2,000 m/z 0.3 Da from 2,000 - 2,250 m/z Mass stability:< 0.1 Da in 24 hours Dynamic range:> 6.0 × 106 Scan modes:MS scan, MS/MS product ion scan, MRM, MS/MS neutral loss/gain scan and precursor ion scan, SIM Maximum scan rate:15,000 Da/s Maximum MRM acquisition rate: 500 MRMs/sec Minimum MRM dwell time: 1 ms MRM transitions: 450 per time segment, > 40,000 ion transitions per method Dynamic MRM transitions: 4,000 ion transitions per method Triggered MRM transitions: Up to 10 MRM transitions (primary and secondary) for library search and compound confirmation Collision cell ion clearance: < 1 ms Resolution: 240,000 at m/z 200 Mass range: 50 to 6,000 m/z (up to 8,000 m/z) ** Scan rate: Up to 40 Hz at resolution setting of 7,500 at m/z 200 Mass accuracy: Internal: < 1 ppm RMS External: < 3 ppm RMS Sensitivity: MS/MS: 100 fg reserpine on column S/N 150:1 SIM: 50 fg reserpine on column S/N 150:1 Dynamic range: > 5,000:1 Polarity switching: One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full positive mode scan and one full negative mode scan at a resolution setting of 60,000) Multiplexity: Up to 10 precursors/scan Analog inputs One (1) analog input: (0–1 V) One (1) analog (0–10 V) Sensitivity: Electrospray (HESI) at High Resolution 0.2 Da FWHM A 5 μL injection of a 200 fg/μL reserpine solution on a Hypersil GOLD aQ™ 20 X 2.1 mm 1.9 μm particle packed column at a flow rate of 300 μL/min 30:70:0.02 water/methanol/formic acid will produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 6000:1 for the transition of the protonated molecule at m/z 609.3 to the fragment ion at m/z 195.1 when operated in selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM) with Q1 and Q3 resolution set to 0.2 and 0.7 Da FWHM respectively. Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) and Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization (APPI) at High Resolution 0.2 Da FWHM A 5 μL injection of a 200 fg/μL reserpine solution on a Hypersil GOLD aQ 20 X 2.1 mm 1.9 μm particle packed column at a flow rate of 300 μL/min 30:70:0.02 water/methanol/formic acid will produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 1000:1 for the transition of the protonated molecule at m/z 609.3 to the fragment ion at m/z 195.1 when operated in selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM) with Q1 and Q3 resolution set to 0.2 and 0.7 FWHM respectively. Mass Range:m/z 10-1500 Da Resolution:7500 (FWHM) at m/z 508 of polytyrosine Resolution is continuously adjustable to better than 0.1 Da peak width (FWHM) across the entire mass range Mass Stability: The laboratory room temperature must be maintained between 15-27°C (59-81°F). The optimum temperature of operation is between 18-21°C (65-70°F). TSQ Vantage/TSQ Vantage EMR Mass assignment: will be within: ±0.050 Da over a 24-hour period. The room temperature may not change by more than 5°C (9°F) during this period. TSQ Vantage AM Mass assignment: will be within ±0.025 Da over a 24-hour period. The rate of change in temperature may not exceed 2°C per hour (3.6°F/hr) and not by more than 5°C (9 °F) during this period. advanced micrOTOF-Q II technology World-leading combination of mass accuracy, resolution and sensitivity without compromise SmartFormula 3DTM, the novel combination of accurate mass of parent and fragment ions with True Isotopic Pattern (TIP™) Wide dynamic range for ultra-stable accurate mass High-performance Q-q-front end Mass range 50 – 20,000 m/z Mass accuracy 1 - 2 ppm RMS Error (internal), 5 ppm RMS Error (external) Mass resolution 17,500 (FWHM), typically 20,000 FWHM at LC-speed Temperature compensated Acquisition rate (2GHz sampling rate) 20 Hz MicroscopesBuilt-in measuring heads: AFM, STM Mountable measuring heads: liquid, nanosclerometric System for detecting the cantilever deflection: automated alignment Laser wavelength of cantilever deflection system:850 nm Size: up to ø20×10 mm Positioning range, in XY: plane 5×5 mm Positioning method: automated with the use of optical image Minimum positioning:step: 0.3 μm Sample weight: up to 40 g Heating capabilities (heating stage): up to 150 °C Scanning mode: by sample Scan area: 100×100×10 μm (±10 %) 3×3×2.6 μm (±10 %) (in the high resolution mode) Relative error of distance measurement: XY plane Z direction less 1 % (less 0.1 % with the use of the feedback sensors) less 5 % Non-linearity, in XY plane (with the use of feedback sensors): less 0.1 % RMS noise in 1 ÷ 200 Hz frequency range, XY plane less 0.02 nm (XY 100 μm) less 0.001 nm (XY 3 μm) RMS noise in 10 ÷ 1000 Hz frequency range, Z direction: with the use of the feedback sensors in the high resolution mode: less 0.04 nm less 0.02 nm Positioning range: 5×5 mm Positioning step: 0.3μm Resolution: 2μm Field of view: 3.4 ÷ 0.53 μm
| Objectives: 4X / 10X / 20X Image resolution: 4X: 10X: 20X: 3.05 um/pixel 1.22 um/pixel 0.61 um/pixel Exported image formats: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, RAW Exported movie formats: WMV / AVI Internal data storage: 9 TByte RAID Hard Drive 12 GByte RAM Network connection: Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbps Power: 100-240 VAC 50/60Hz 3.5 Amps max @ 120V 1.75 Amps max @240V Controller dimensions: (H X W X D) 5.5” X 17.0” X 21.5” 14.0 cm X 43.2 cm X 54.6 cm Controller weight: 38 lbs / 17.2 Kg Gantry dimensions (h x w x d): 12.4” X 17.7” X 18.5” 31.5 cm X 45.0 cm X 47.0 cm Gantry weight: 44 lbs / 20 Kg Controller operating environmental conditions: 00 to 330C 5% to 90% RH Non-Condensing Microscope operating environmental conditions: 00 to 420C 5% to 95% RH Non-Condensing X-Y scan range: 35μm x 35μm typical, 30μm minimum Z range: ≥3μm Vertical noise floor: <40pm RMS, sensor in appropriateenvironment (up to 625Hz) X-Y tip-velocity: max. >2mm/Sec (1% tracking error) Z tip-velocity:max. 12mm/Sec X-Y position noise (closed-loop): ≤0.20nm RMS typical imaging BW (up to 2.5kHz in Adaptive) Z sensor noise level: 30pm RMS typical imaging BW (up to 625Hz) X-Y flatness (30μm range): ≤3nm Integral nonlinearity (X-Y-Z): ≤0.50% Sample size/holder: 210mm vacuum chuck for samples ≤210mm in diameter, ≤15mm thick Motorized position: 150mm × 180mm inspectable area with rotating chuck; 2μm stage: X & Y axis repeatability, unidirectional; 3μm repeatability, bidirectional Microscope optics: 5MP digital camera; 130μm to 1040μm viewing area; digital zoom and motorized focus Controller/Software NanoScope V/ NanoScope v8.15 and later Workstation Integrates NanoScope V, Stage Controller, HV Amplifiers, computer and provides an ergonomic design with immediate physical and visual access 5 lasers: 405nm, 488nm,561 nm, 642 nm, 785 nm 12 available detection channels The extended depth of field option The MultiMag option BiosensorsSample handling: automated sample loading and injection Molecular weight detection: >180 Da Analytical performance: Myoglobin* 1 pM Flow rate range: 1–100 μl/min, through flow cell, steps of 1 μl Required sample volume injected volume: + 20–80 μl, depending on application Refractive index range: 1.33–1.40 Analysis temperature 4°C to 40°C: (max 20°C below ambient) Number of flow cells 4: (used individually, in series or as 2 pairs) In-line reference subtraction: yes (flow cell 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 4-3) Dimensions: (L × W × H): 760 × 350 × 610 mm Electric voltage: 100–120 V; 220–240 V Power consumption: max 580 VA Net weight: 50 kg/110 lbs
| Analysis temperature: 4°C to 40°C (maximum 20°C below ambient temperature) Analysis time per cycle: Typically 2 to 15 min Automation: 60 h unattended operation Baseline drift: Typically < 0.3 RU/min Baseline noise: Typically < 0.02 RU (RMS) Capacity: 4 × 96- or 384-well microplates, normal and deep-well Flow cell volume: 40 nL Flow rate: 1 to 100 μL/min Injection volume: 1 to 200 μL In-line reference subtraction: Automatic Molecular weight detection: No lower limit for organic molecules Number of flow cells: 16 in 8 channels Refractive index: 1.33 to 1.39 Sample concentration min.: ≥ 1 picomolar (pM) Sample type: Small-molecule drug candidates to high-molecular weight proteins (also DNA, RNA, polysaccharides, lipids, cells, and viruses) in various sample environments (e.g., in DMSO containing buffers, plasma, and serum) Sample volume min: Injection volume plus 20 to 50 μL (application dependent) Other'sElectrode connections: 2, 3 and 4 Potential range: +/- 10 V Compliance voltage: +/- 30 V Maximum current: +/- 2 A (20 A with BOOSTER20A) Current ranges: 1 A to 10 nA (100 pA with ECD module) Potential accuracy: +/- 0.2 % Potential resolution: 0.3 µV Current accuracy: +/- 0.2 % Current resolution: 0.0003 % (of current range) Input impedance:> 1 TOhm Potentiostatband width1 MHz
| Deck Capacity:54 tracks (T) allow combinations of: maximum of: maximum of 54 tube carriers (1 T) holding 24 or 32 tubes per carrier maximum of 9 carriers (6 T) holding 5 tip racks or 5 plate positions per carrier Tools and accessories: Labware Gripper; PipettingChannels; iSWAPRoboticTransportArm; [MPE]2 PositivePressureModule; MediaFillModule. Pipetting: CO-REtechnology; Anti-droplet control ; liquid level detection technologies.
| 3 lasers: 488nm, 633nm, 405nm; Analysis speed: 70000 per sec sorts: 2/4 probs Labor equipments include mixers, shakers, ultrasonic washers, water purification systems and others |